Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Charlie Page at the DOE


The 24KaratMarketer Ezine
Your F.REE Guide To H.ome B.usiness S.uccess since 2001.
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Hi Fellow Marketer!

Did you know that Charlie Page at the DOE actually helps his
members succeed?

I'm talking about answering specific questions.

Here is one example I just learned about.



Thank you SO much for being so available and helpful to me.

I had no idea when I contacted you that you would be able to help me

so much in just ONE DAY!

I can't tell you how lost I was feeling trying to expand
into new traffic generation skills and list generating.

Thanks to your simple and straightforward advice I am no
longer frustrated or lost.

I feel like I can do what I need to do to make the
improvements that I was hoping to make when I bought my
DOE membership in the first place.

Honestly, I never thought that I would get so much attention
and response from you when I sent that first email.

I also thought I would get an answer from someone on your team.
I never imagined that you yourself would be spending so much time
on helping me accomplish my goals.

I'm very impressed and grateful.

Thanks again!

Bronwen O. - Saratoga Springs, Utah


How about you?

If you need help from a 14 year veteran of online marketing
you need a membership to the Directory of Ezines!

Here is the link to get going.


Join ... log in ... get help.

Simple really.



P.S. Yes, this is for real. I have received the help I need
and you can too!


Login To your F.REE m.embers area: http://budurl.com/22ux

Username: freemembers
Password: A2Zmb490!

U.pgrade to P.RO here to get a 30% d.iscount on a.dvertising:

Login To P.RO m.embers are: http://budurl.com/24kmembers

An' It Harm None... Do What Thou Wilt!

This is a S.olo A.d Mailing, brought to you by The 2.4KaratMarketer E.zine
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D.ISCLAIMER: A.dvertisers are solely responsible for a.d contents. We
encourage you to be responsible and investigate any o.pportunities o.ffered
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M.ichelle H.offmann
Publisher -The 2.4KaratMarketer E.zine

Due to S.pam, the only way to contact me is:

The 2.4KaratMarketer E.zine
N8652 940th St #3 River Falls, WI 54022
Owner-Editor-Publisher ^M.ichelle H.offmann^

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