The 24KaratMarketer Ezine
Your F.REE Guide To H.ome B.usiness S.uccess since 2001.
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Hi ^fname^!
Do you remember that old Double mint gum TV commercial with the twins?
They used to sing that Doublemint was
"Two mints, two mints, two mints in one!"
I must admit to having a little crush on those girls when I was a kid!
Well did you know that the Directory of Ezines is a lot like Double mint gum?
It is!
It's "three sites, three sites, three sites in one!"
I say that because the DOE is the perfect resource
for doing three very important marketing tasks.
1. Article Marketing
2. Ezine Advertising - think SOLO ads!
3. Joint Ventures
Now that is a winning combination!
And you can have LIFETIME access to the DOE today.
A note about the word "Lifetime" if you will allow me.
When I saw lifetime it means something different that
when some others say it.
You see, the DOE has been online for SEVENTEEN years.
And yes, we really do have members who joined way back
in 1998 and still have access today.
If you are not a member you owe it to yourself to check
it out.
One more thing - the value of the DOE keeps rising but
the price does not!
DID YOU KNOW that I add bonuses to the Directory all
the time and give them to existing members too.
That's just fair in my book.
EXAMPLE: I recently added a 2 hour teleseminar I
conducted that fully explains the process of how to
sell anything with Ezine the advertising.
It's free to members and available right now!
And the customer service, answers to YOUR questions.
I could go on and on but consider this.
"The Directory of Ezines is an INCREDIBLE resource."
Not my words - that's Yanik Silver talking.
He's a member and he USES the DOE when he wants to do
solo blasts, find publishers with HUGE lists to JV with
and more.
Why aren't you using the DOE?
P.S. We have not raised the price of Lifetime
membership in *years* and yet we continue to add more
This really is the BEST value online and it's
waiting for you right now at...
Login To your F.REE m.embers area: http://budurl.com/22ux
Username: freemembers
Password: A2Zmb490!
U.pgrade to P.RO here to get a 30% d.iscount on a.dvertising: http://budurl.com/g38r
Login To P.RO m.embers are: http://budurl.com/24kmembers
An' It Harm None... Do What Thou Wilt!
This is a S.olo A.d Mailing, brought to you by The 2.4KaratMarketer E.zine as a service to our eager p.rospects, from a fellow s.ubscriber. Please show your support by viewing their o.ffer. If you are not interested, simply delete it. If you would like more i.nformation pertaining to this o.ffer, please reply to the email and/or web address provided in the o.pportunity.
D.ISCLAIMER: A.dvertisers are solely responsible for a.d contents. We encourage you to be
responsible and investigate any o.pportunities o.ffered here or anywhere before you join.
M.ichelle H.offmann
Publisher -The 2.4KaratMarketer E.zine
Due to S.pam, the only way to contact me is:
The 2.4KaratMarketer E.zine
N8652 940th St #3 River Falls, WI 54022
Owner-Editor-Publisher ^M.ichelle H.offmann^
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